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Life-saving! It clearly shows how a coffee enema, a cottage cheese and flaxseed oil mixture, etc...
Fabulous!!!! Easy to read, well organized, full of beneficial information...

Learn the complete home healing protocol to prevent and heal cancer, arthritis, heart disease & more

Amazon Bestselling Book DVD Anti-Cancer

A Day in the Budwig Diet (Amazon Prime Video)

Budwig Lesson Amazon Prime

Selected by Amazon, earned Amazon's Choice


Dr. Johanna Budwig is a 7x Nobel Prize Nominee and world renowned Scientist in Biochemistry and Pharmacology. The Foremost Authority on Omega 3's.

Now for the 1st time on video... Learn the complete healing protocol developed by Dr. Johanna Budwig.

  • Watch a day in the Budwig Protocol illustrated in a step-by-step, easy to follow format.
  • Discover the methods Dr. Budwig created and used to successfully heal thousands of cancer patients, and understand what they did on a daily basis in order to recover their health.
  • Learn how to correctly use Flax Oil, internally as well as externally, to heal at the cellular level. All 3 of Dr. Budwig s Eldi Oil home-therapies are illustrated!
  • See what foods and items you must avoid, and understand the role of fat metabolism in degenerative diseases including cancer.
  • Understand her 3 essential ingredients - Linomel, Oleolux, and the Oil-Protein Muesli, and how to use them to create a multitude of tasty meals for the whole family!
*USA and Int'l Orders:

Did you know? In an interview with Dr. Armin Grunewald, Dr. Budwig’s nephew, he confirmed that it’s possible to prepare a vegan Budwig muesli. Simply replace the cottage cheese for organic soy yogurt. He also noted that even lactose intolerant patients do well on the Budwig diet and often have no problems digesting the oil and cottage cheese mixture.


A Day in the Budwig Diet: The Book

Now also available on Amazon's Kindle | look inside here

The perfect companion to the DVD.

  • The Complete DVD Transcript with Director's Commentary
  • New Science Supporting the Budwig Diet
  • Understand the Latest Research and How it applies to the Budwig Protocol
  • Plus Answers to Your Questions, Tips and Suggestions




Questions regarding the Budwig Protocol?

Dr. Gene offers consultations via skype or email for cancer patients following the Budwig Oil-Protein Diet. Receive answers to your questions from Dr. Gene Wei, DOM, AP, author of the book "A Day in the Budwig Diet". Visit:



Answers to your Questions

via facebook, Teri 8:03pm Apr 20, 2014

Question: Hi there~
Thank you so much for your video. My husband and I just purchased it to try to gain greater clarity on how exactly to follow the Budwig protocol and have found your video very insightful and easy to understand. Here is our dilemma...he has stage IV lung cancer with mets to his bones (which he has received radiation therapy to remove the cancer), and recently tapered off his narcotics & steroids to be able to do the Budwig exactly as recommended. However, since then, he has developed pneumonia and has been hospitalized and placed on oxygen, steroids and pain killers. He will be discharged to home tomorrow, but will need to remain on oxygen, pain killers and a brief time with steroids. We are wondering if the Budwig diet will have any benefit with the lung tumors if he is unable to get off these medications because of his pain? Your feedback would be greatly appreciated. We believe wholeheartedly that the Budwig will work, but are a little discouraged that we are so far advanced and already on all this medication. HELP!!!! Steroids will be gone after Wednesday, but the pain pills (40mg oxycontin daily) may need to stay to a reduced degree. Can the Budwig still work?
Thanks so much!

Answer: Hi Teri, If he is in significant pain, then I would consider it important to continue his pain medication. Just being in constant pain is detrimental to healing because of it's effect on the nerve and stress hormone symptoms. You just have to make sure the oxycontin is not affecting his blood circulation, or breathing patterns (apnea) as this can be detrimental.

But yes, steroids (glucocorticoids) can feed cancer cell metabolism because of the sugar component... so it is good to stop than when able.

As for the Budwig Diet working while on pain killers... Everything in medicine is based on variables, percentages, and probabilities. At our clinic, The Budwig Diet/ protocol is one component of many. For some people, making only this one change can bring significant benefits, while maybe not as much for others (regardless of things like pain killers).

Because of this, we use Budwig Protocol or elements of it, in conjunction with other techniques for the vast majority of our patients, and may adjust the protocol at 3 month intervals depending upon patient's response.

In short, don't worry so much about the pain killer's effect on the Budwig Diet. But definitely consider doing more than just the Budwig Diet/ Protocol as there are many other beneficial options in terms of Complementary/ Integrative Care. In cases of metastasis especially, it is important to address the issue a from as many as angles as possible.

Any questions, let me know.

Gene Wei, DOM, AP


Amazon.co.uk Book Reviews

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Brilliantly Researched Absolutely SUPER SUPER Book - A Priceless Treasure, 23 July 2014, By Ramon

The authors Ursula Escher and Gene Wei have written a most brilliant and comprehensive book which takes Dr Johanna Budwig's nutritional discoveries, ie the critical importance of the OIL-PROTEIN dietary lifestyle coupled with appropriate SUNSHINE EXPOSURE, many steps further by matching Dr Budwig's unique nutritional findings with recent/current information emanating from the BIO-LOGICAL sciences ie BIO-CHEMISTRY, BIO-PHYSICS etc. Ursula Escher and Gene Wei must be highly commended for producing such a reader-friendly book which is designed to guide, inform and stimulate the reader to take personal responsibility for their health and well-being. If Dr Johanna Budwig were still with us, Dr Budwig would have been very proud/delighted with the extensive researches of the authors Ursula Escher and Gene Wei. Thank you, Ursula and Gene for adding to my library of the ENGLISH editions of Dr Johanna Budwig's precious books.

Great wonderful SUPER SUPER book.Very Highly recommended. Buy it and you may be glad you did.


Absolutely brilliant book, demystifies the whole issue about cancer growth ..., 10 October 2015, By heavenon

Absolutely brilliant book, demystifies the whole issue about cancer growth and the role that the omega oils play in its reversal.

I am not of a scientific bent at all, but the caring way in which the authors explain about the biochemistry involved in cell respiration and how cancer grows makes it very clear that you do carry a responsiblilty to ensure that cell health is maintained if you are to enjoy a happy life... To be highly recommended.


Interesting read, 12 June 2016, By Mandy giddingson

Very interesting read. I recommend this book as it is easy to understand.


Budwig Diet, 28 December 2015, By sunnyon

read, re-read and implemented the diet hoping it works!!!!!!!!!!


Super!, 2 November 2016, By Amazon Kundeon

Thank you! Super!


Five Stars, 1 February 2015, By defilippis francescoon




Amazon.fr Book Reviews

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a very interesting book, le 29 mars 2014, Par bidabo

for cancerous people who want to try the budwig diet. the reasoning behind is clearly explicited, on the web see also: healingcancernaturally The oil protein diet by Johanna budwig should also of interest.



C'est une approche très intéressante d'une nutrithérapie basée principalement sur une alimentation naturelle. Les recherches du Dr Budwig ont prouvé son efficacité.
Les explications scientifiques sont accessible à tous.


Amazon.com Book Reviews

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Buy this book!, February 9, 2017, By ginger kurtzon

Ok so here's the thing. I know even before I write this review that no one will believe me but here it is in a nutshell. I had an ex ray from 5 years ago and showed an indeterminate mixed density nodule in my right lung. Had another ex ray three weeks ago with same nodule (larger, more solid) in same place. STARTED BUDWIG PROTICAL SAME DAY. Had catscan two weeks ago with same nodule same place less solid . Had exray at pulminologist yesterday at 9:00 am showed no nodule only slight shadow. Refered for another cat scan this morning, No nodule. Follow up in six months. Just the facts. I'm elated. I recommend everyone use this protocol. What do you have to lose???

This is a must read book for anyone fighting for their life.
I am elated. I'm going to live. Nuf said.


Good book. He covers all the basics, January 8, 2017, By Amazon Customeron

Good book.He covers all the basics, and it's easy to understand.


After I read the book I made an appointment with..., November 5, 2016, By The Food Lover

After I read the book I made an appointment with Dr. Gene and we had a very productive conversation. He is very knowledgeable and up to date with diet and Budwig protocol with some flexibility adapted to the reality of 2016! Still, I am sorry I never got to know Dr. Budwig herself. She must have been an extraordinary person with a strong personality. She had to fight quite an establishment in her life.


Interesting Book Worth Reading, August 9, 2015, By Maddie McGuireon

I found this book to be a good addition to the Budwig literature I have purchased. It helps the layperson to better understand the Budwig diet and the thinking today and yesterday with respect to aspects of that diet and its effects on the body.


A great resource, September 21, 2016, By JSon

This book is very helpful. It contains a lot of information and useful instructions for anyone new to the Budwig Diet. I have just started on the program and I don't want to mess this up. There are a lot of success stories out there from people who have followed the Budwig Protocol and I'd like to be one of them. I wish you all success with this program!


Must read if you get diagnosed with health challenge or cancer., September 6, 2016, By "Big T"

Once again, extremely intelligent and accurate information. This book is a must read for anyone newly diagnosed with major health problems or Cancer. 'Spot-on'.!!!!!


The secret to better health!, July 16, 2015, By Amazon Customeron

Important tool in your cancer fighting arsenal!


Five Stars, July 2, 2015, By John Ruedyon

I am currently using this diet and it has helped me greatly!!


Five Stars, May 7, 2015, By DKDon

Very informative book


Chapter 9-11 give an REAL Understanding of the CAUSE of Cancer., December 22, 2014, By Wolf-49

I was diagnosed with Cancer of the prostrate in Nov 2014. The doctors recited their standard script and concluded with their recommendation (the procedure they specialize in) and the obvious choice. No background on my cancer or cancer in general. I found a indirect reference to the Budwig Diet and purchased this book. If you have been diagnosed with any kind of cancer, get this book and start with chapter 9-11... to get a REAL Understanding of all cancers. Bottom line Vitamin D and Omega 3 & 6. Best of luck with your doctors, but learn what they have not been taught!


Very simple and complete book about Budwig Protocol. This..., November 1, 2014, By Dr O P Verma

Very simple and complete book about Budwig Protocol. This Book along with the DVD A Day in the Budwig Diet makes a complete Budwig Protocol Resource.


Discover this great, simple protocol to help keep cancer away and..., October 18, 2014, By Catherine

Discover this great, simple protocol to help keep cancer away and get rid of it if you have already gotten it. I'm using her diet as a great preventative measure for not getting cancer. Her cure rate on the most incurable of cancers is astounding.


knee and neck pain is much better, October 11, 2014, By Rebecca

My husband had prostate cancer. Had prostate removed. Had a PSA reading after removal so there was some cancer left. He rejected radiation. Plans to control it with diet. Started on Budwig Diet about 5 weeks ago. Hasn't had PSA tested again yet. But said he can tell an improvement in other problems he has - back, knee and neck pain is much better.


Companion to the DVD by same title, February 10, 2014
By David Neider

This book along with the DVD by same title should give anyone interested in using nutrition to improve their health and to aid in their body's defenses against cancer. It is well written and easy to follow all instructions to pursue the Budwig plan for improving the body's own defense system against cancer and many other diseases.


life saving, December 19, 2013, By James Sikes (Gainesville, FL USA)

I've got advanced stage IV Melanoma cancer, and if Dr Budwig's Diet protocal had not stopped it's growth, I wouldn't be here writing this right now.

If you want to learn How to STOP Cancer, or better yet, PREVENT cancer, get and follow this book.


excellent information, December 12, 2013, By Ingrid Pich

very informative and easy to understand and I believe everyone should read this book if they value their health and vitality.


The most complete explanation of a Cancer Cure to-date, August 16, 2013 By A. Thompson (Naples, FL United States)

I have read a lot about cancer, what it is, why it happens and how to cure yourself without chemotherapy or radiation. This book puts it all together with what I consider the best protocol. The primary cause of cancer is addressed in this book and the best way to address what is wrong with a cancer cell is the cure prescribed in this book.

Essentially, cancer is a cell that does not primarily use oxygen for turning sugar into energy. Instead, a cancer cell primarily ferments sugar, which produces far less energy with large amounts of toxic byproducts left over. The lack of optimum energy within the cell combined with cellular damage from toxic fermentation byproducts means that most of the normal cellular processes shut down. If the cell does not die, what is left by default is the cells survival function which is to reproduce uncontrollably. It only takes one cancer cell to survive. Then it may take years before a significant number of cancer cells becomes noticeable.

The primary cause, lack of oxygen, is what the book researches and explains, along with how to correct it through diet. The book explains the concept of how cell walls, made of bad fats, prevents oxygen transfer. A lifetime of eating bad fats creates cell walls unable to breath(transfer) oxygen effectively. The solution is to force feed yourself Essential Fatty Acids (EPA) and quickly rebuild your cell walls with oxygen breathing fats. Then the cell either recovers all its functionality or reactivates its essential/natural ability to commit suicide when damaged too much.

Simple and effective, it takes determination to follow through with the recommendations of a complete protocol like the Budwig Diet. If you already have cancer, its like a raging fire inside your body. It will consume you, literally. There are no half measures which will stop it.

Consider this. A small barbeque fire can be put out with a small garden hose. But a garden hose will do nothing to a raging house on fire. A concerted effort by the fire department, with several fire trucks is required for a raging house fire. So it is with cancer. Once cancer is noticed and diagnosed, it most likely will require a large effort to bring it under control. Commitment is essential.


A Day in the Budwig Diet, if you have cancer you have to do this..., August 4, 2013 By Dawn Sawyer

This diet taste wonderful, and does what it says it will do. It has been around for along time and continues to help people with cancer.
My husband has stage 4 brain cancer, and a long with juicing and tons of minerals, this is the perfect diet! Do not pass this by.
It is so easy, you wonder how can this work?
I promise if you do what she says to do, you will receive healing!!!
Trust God!


Validated previous research, July 18, 2013 By Flordeliza Alcantara-Reyes

Helped people a lot due to validation of expert on the subject matter coming from world renowned establishment that can be trusted.


Very useful and written in a simple language, July 17, 2013
By al (PA)

I think this book is very useful not only for people with malignancies of various kinds but also for those who consider themselves in a good health


The Budwig Diet, June 29, 2013 By RALPH DIX

I find this product a great guide to have and share with my family. I wouldn't go without it. This woman was a genius and was pushed aside by large companies whose bottom line was profits and not people. Love you Johanna Budwig!


Excellent Read, May 24, 2013 By matthew higdon (winslow, ar, US)

This book is an excellent adjunct for anyone wishing to know more about Johanna's research and the research that proceeded plus research after. It also takes into account some lifestyle changes/challenges that were not present at the time of her research. The book format is written in an easy to read layman's language. I should qualify that I have immense respect for Johanna's research (and her predecessors).

One must keep in mind that Johanna's writings were translated from German and from what I read in various places, translation/editing leaves room for improvement. To that end did Johanna say no supplements or use with caution? Depends on who you trust with translation.

I happen to agree that some cautious supplementation might be of benefit depending on circumstance. I would stress cautious however because supplements are concentrated. Taking any concentrated substance should be used wisely with an understanding why you are taking it, not just taking someone's word.

To that end the promoting of Poly MVA in the book I did find out of context with the majority of the book that was very informative. Poly MVA is a supplement costing 180$ for 8 oz with ingredients that are inexpensive/easily obtainable. Yes, it has some special whiz bang special process but I stopped believing in whiz bangs.

The skin iodine test mentioned in the book is also one of those urban legends that keeps on going. The research of Nyiri and Jannetti in 1932 showed clearly when iodine is applied to the skin in almost any form, 50% evaporates into the air within 2 hours and between 75 and 80 percent evaporates into the air within 24 hours.

Still I would, and have, recommended this book to others. Nothing is 100% and would be unrealistic to assume such. If you want a comprehensive simple to understand book on how cells function and how cancer starts/proliferates, this is definitely a good choice. With everything critical thinking is paramount. This book, excellent in my opinion, is no different.


Hi Matthew,

Thank you very much for bringing the iodine information to our attention. We really appreciate your input and have made the necessary revisions.

Best Wishes,
Gene Wei DOM AP


budwig diet, January 24, 2013 By chick2

Very interesting concepts. I learned much about the benefits of Dr. Budwigs diet recommendations. I will be trying some of her suggestions.
Help other customers find the most helpful review


Not for the faint of heart, January 19, 2013, By Jo Ann Robbins "JoAnn" (Left Coast, USA)

If you are interested in this book, it means that in some capacity you're up close and personal with disease. This book is very thorough and infinitely useful, but it is not for anyone who is looking for an easy way to eat more healthily. It is most often used as part of a health-oriented protocol designed to fight chronic or serious disease. The information in it is extensive, and the people who wrote it are more knowledgeable than the linguistic style indicates. The contents are a bit hard to sift through, but if you're determined to do it, you can. The facts about oils' importance to human health is (for me) worth the price of the book.


Budwig for Dummies, January 5, 2013 By Tim Shannon "Dr_Shannon" (Portland, OR)

I'm really impressed with this book. For the layman, it's laid out SO nicely. I've just begun to research this method for some of my cancer patients - so no experience with using it yet. But the lay out is wonderful, summaries great, and the overview of Otto Warburg's work in conjunction with Budwig's theories is compelling and nicely written.

Whether you like it or not, many people are going to try this protocol - in fact, many are and have. That will not stop. I hope that one day we get $ out of healthcare so that alt-med cancer treatments can get a REAL chance in research. That's the only way we'll ever know what REALLY works best with cancer.

But in the meantime, folks are mostly left to fend for themselves - if they have a type of cancer which modern medicine can't help (Which is most cancers, though not all).

If you are in that group, and are interested in Budwig, this is SO nicely done. Incredibly practical and just gets to the point. Highly recommended.


Budwig Diet, December 29, 2012 By Tamra Becker (SAN JOSE, CA, US)

I got this for my boyfriend and he has found the information to be great and is using it to help himself get better. So far he feels great.


Excellent information!, February 21, 2012, By acumaster

This book is really a gem in the market! Historic and scientific information is presented in an easy to read and understand language, pages are full of everyday useful information and recipes complete with numerous pictures most of which are original artwork. You will not regret purchasing and reading this book which in its entirety hold a comprehensive and groundbreaking healthcare information!


Well-researched Information, January 31, 2012, By naturalmedstudent

"A Day in the Budwig Diet" is ideal for anyone that wishes to implement the Budwig protocol for themselves, a family member, or a patient. Part I of the book breaks down the day-by-day rules of the protocol, so that it can be understood by those with a non-medical background, complete with diagrams and charts that can be pulled out of the book and used in the kitchen. Part II explains the research behind the protocol, which is important to understand, so that when using the diet one can have a solid, theoretical understanding of what their bodies are going through. While I am not currently implementing the diet for myself or someone else, and cannot testify as to the efficacy of the diet, I found the book to be very informative, well put together, and easy to understand. I would definitely pass it on to family/friends/patients in the future, and feel this information greatly expands my understanding of food therapy for cancer.


Get the Book and the DVD, November 25, 2011, By healingnaturally (California, USA)

Learning the Budwig diet from Dr. Budwig's books can be a challenge, since her books (although recommended) are in most part transcripts of her lectures. So "A Day in the Budwig Diet: The Book", just like the DVD, will guide you through Dr. Budwig's complete healing protocol in an easy to understand manner. As you will see, it's not JUST the Budwig cottage-cheese muesli. There is a lot more!

Additionally, this book helps you understand the modern science behind the Budwig Diet and carefully describes important modifications as well, which are optional but encouraged. It is a great resource for anyone interested in Dr. Budwig's works.


Selected by Amazon, earned Amazon's Choice

Amazon.com DVD Reviews

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Great cure for Cancer!, November 22, 2016, By Francisco Urosaon

I will live longer with the information provided here.


Five Stars, August 1, 2016, By Amazon Customer

This is best used with her book of same title, which gives more information


I would do 100 things to cure cancer. Chemo is not one of them., July 20, 2016, By Dan The Manon

Anyone with cancer should look at all the many good options and in most cases the best options are not the ones being advertised on TV.
This is one that is good!


Highly recommend, February 14, 2016, By K Smittyon

Very helpful to get point across to cancer patient on the Budwig Diet. Also helpful to caregiver! Highly recommend.


Great Instructive DVD, February 10, 2014
By David Neider

This DVD gives very clear instructions on how to use flaxseed oil and protein mixture to improve your health and fight against cancer. I highly recommend it along with her book "A Day in the Budwig Diet" for anyone wanting to use diet and nutrition to fight against cancer.


Excellent Resource For Those With Cancer, September 13, 2013 By Rex A. Malson

If you are looking for an alternative route to Toxic Chemo and Radiation, then this should be at the top of your list! This DVD is very educational and detailed on many options of this GREAT Diet! A must for you or your Loved one!!!


A Day in the Budwig Diet Works!, August 4, 2013 By Dawn Sawyer

My husband and I have been doing this diet for 5 months now and we have seen immediate results.
For me more energy, for my husband who has stage 4 brain cancer, we saw him get stronger each day.
Do what she says and you will get well.
The best part is that is doable and other than buying this book and the simple supplies of organic cottage cheese and flax oil and seeds, all this information is free.
You do not have to have tests done or go to the hospital for treatments.
It works! Praise God!


Very Helpful, July 1, 2013 By Millie K.

This DVD should be used along with Dr.Budwig's books, especially the cook book. As the old cliche' goes, "seeing is believing."
It is so very helpful that I gave mine to a friend, and now I need to order another, as I don't want to be without it.


This information might save your life, March 16, 2013 By web.omi

Easy to understand and diet is easy to follow. Geared to someone with a serious disease like cancer, where there is a sincere commitment to natural healing. This Dr. Budwig has proven her success in "curing" even advanced cancer by her thorough documentation in the healing responses of her patients. Have purchased this while in good health, and plan to incorporate her flaxseed oil information into our daily nutrition regimen.


Wonderful, March 3, 2013 By oneblue

DVD came intact. No skipping or scratches.
the way the DVD is produced makes it very useful and easy to understand.
God Bless Dr. Budwig and those who make her teachings available.


Life-saving diet with real science behind it, December 17, 2012
by Trueman D Briggs (EL DORADO, KS, US)

This DVD was much better produced and more thorough than I had anticipated it would be. It clearly showed the science of the diet that we believe will help save our son's life. Be prepared for the explicit drawings of how to do a coffee enema. But note, that needing to do this means that the diet is working. Dr. Budwig was an amazing scientist. Anyone can benefit from at lease some of what she recommends, such as the cottage cheese and flaxseed oil mixture. This is the cornerstone of the diet and reflects her research with omega-3 oils.


An amazing health protocol that has been hidden by the money making medical establishment for decades!, March 20, 2012 By Catherine

I have read several of the books written by Johanna Budwig and took great interest in her literature due to my family's extensive history of cancer. Not only has this simple protocol been proven effective at curing cancer, but it is effective towards attaining general well-being and helping with many other diseases as well. This DVD gives a simple video presentation of how to implement her plan. For a woman to have an over 90% success rate on curing cancer, even with patients so sick that the hospitals had given up on them and said there was nothing more that could be done with them, is absolutely incredible. I read one of her other books that contained testimonials from her patients who were cured from pancreatic cancer, melanoma, and a whole host of other "deadly" cancers - read [ASIN:B007EF7ENK Cancer: The Problem and the Solution]. The fact that the medical profession, the pharmaceutical industry, and the fast-food industry had so much money to lose if the public were to accept her protocols, that they kept taking her to court trying to sue her so that she would be taken away from her life's work of healing patients and spreading her philosophy. This is truly incredible information that needs to be shared with the public. People forget that the medical industry is also a business looking to make money and will do anything possible to stop the spread of information that will prevent it from doing so.


A WONDERFUL video, March 17, 2012, By Booklover

I was extremely impressed with this video. A few other reviews had made a point of saying it wasn't too high tech, but I'm not sure what they meant by that. I felt it was very professionally done, as well as being very thorough, organized, and easy to understand. The narrator's voice has a gentle accent... Britain? Australia? New Zealand?... and is lovely to listen to. Filming is beautifully done.

I do have one complaint, but will not hold it against my review. After playing the video the first time, I went back to review the Daily Protocol section, and after several tries, it kept cutting itself off after the 9 a.m. morning sunbath and taking itself to the Conclusion section, so that I could not see the remainder of the daily protocol. It looked on the bottom of the screen like it had come to the end of the protocol section, but it hadn't; as I said, on first viewing, it took me through the entire day. Will possibly need to exchange this particular DVD.


Well-presented Information, January 14, 2011, by James Callahan

This is an enjoyable DVD to watch, full of information, but not overwhelming or overly technical. I am a cancer patient and have incorporated parts of the Budwig diet into my routine via the Bill Henderson protocol. I was not aware of the full history, background and diversity of the diet. I will no doubt watch this a second time and take advantage of some of the resources and recipes it provides. Having an understanding of the concepts behind the development of the diet and their workability is key to making any dietary commitment.


Great DVD, December 22, 2010, by Handmaiden

If you are going to try the Budwig Protocol, this DVD, will help you to be able to implement it. Sometimes reading the book can be confusing as to how to mix the cottage cheese and flax. This DVD takes you through a whole day of the Protocol, showing you how to mix, what to eat, and at what times, along with tips and ways to vary the mix for taste and variety. It helped out tremendously, giving me the confidence I needed to feel like the protocol is both achievable and practical. If you have read her books, do yourself a favor and get this DVD, it is pleasant to watch and so informative.


Incredible Diet, September 26, 2010, by Sophie

I have read many medical diets over the years including Gerson, who was also a German medical doctor. I find it amazing that Budwig also espoused organic and fresh foods. It is no secret that processed foods are killing us. It's too bad that most of these books are written in German and only a very few have been translated into english. Dr. Budwig's diet in the DVD is very informative and it provides a detailed plan. However, it is recommended that it be strictly followed in order for it to work. She also gives a time frame for how long one needs to be on her diet. It is worth getting along with her other two books which are published in english in order to understand her theory completely.


Life Changing, September 13, 2010, by Jillymac

This video is very basic and simple. No high tech effects or graphics, but if you are looking to truly be healed from major illnesses this will do it. It does not happen overnight, but it is effective and does not have the side effects of the synthetic medicines the doctor is prescribing. Excellent to get the basic protocol down. Would highly recommend her book "Flax Oil as a True Aid Against Arthritis, Heart Infarction, Cancer and Other Diseases" it will give you the science behind Dr. Budwig's work.


sharing it, August 23, 2010 By mine

gooood info I'm sharing it with friends. does anyone know what the protocol is for healthy people that want to stay that way??


Why You Should Buy This DVD..., July 20, 2010, by Peter

If you're interested in Dr. Budwig's books and her work at all for yourself and/or a loved one, this DVD will make the entire process of understanding and more importantly IMPLEMENTING the diet as painless and as easy as possible.

"A Day in the Budwig Diet" answered all of my questions about how to use the diet.

Dr. Budwig's books are an essential part of your library. But in my opinion, this video deserves to be right next to them to create a wonderful Trilogy.

The presentation in the video is interesting, informative and very clear.

You'll love "A Day in the Budwig Diet" and like me, you'll thank Ursula Escher for making it with such care and attention.

Buy the DVD.

You'll be so glad you did.


A Great Budwig Resource!, May 25, 2010, by "Budwig Fan"

I've been reading Dr. Budwig's book for a long time. This DVD is by far the clearest and easiest to follow explanation of her protocol. Her books have great info, but if you want to learn how to actually do her protocol - this DVD is it.

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A Day in the Budwig Diet: The Book: Learn Dr. Budwig's Complete Home Healing Protocol Against Cancer, Arthritis, Heart Disease & More

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