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Life-saving! It clearly shows how a coffee enema, a cottage cheese and flaxseed oil mixture, etc...
Fabulous!!!! Easy to read, well organized, full of beneficial information...

Recommended Health & Diet Books


Natural and Integrative Health and Healing

Below you will see the complete list of books by Dr. Budwig as well as some add'l books we recommend to help you learn more about natural diets, health and healing.


Our Books & DVDs

A Day in the Budwig Diet DVD

(Now also available in Polska, Français, Español and Português)

Amazon Bestselling Book DVD Anti-Cancer

"A Day in the Budwig Diet" is #1

When released (2011) our DVD "A Day in the Budwig Diet" stayed on the Amazon's bestseller list throughout the year! Thanks everyone for your support and for supporting the work of independent publishers.

Now available on bn.com

We are happy to announce that A Day in the Budwig Diet: the Book is now available at Barnes & Noble and BN.com!


GoodReads Book Reviews

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A Day in the Budwig Diet: The Book: Learn Dr. Budwig's Complete Home Healing Protocol Against Cancer, Arthritis, Heart Disease & More

Books by Dr. Budwig published in English


The Complete German list of Books by Dr. Budwig

Dr. Budwig's original books are available from the Budwig Foundation in Germany. If you are interested in aquiring Dr. Budwig's German titles please contact the Foundation. The original out-of-print titles have been carefully scanned and published in PDF format as e-books and are now finally available.

Fette als wahre Hilfe
Krise der Krebsforschung
Die elementare Funktion der Atmung in ihrer Beziehung zu autoxydalen Nahrungsstoffen
Laser-Strahlen gegen Krebs
Fotoelemente des Lebens
Kosmische Kräfte
Das Fettsyndrom
Krebs - ein Fettproblem
Der Tod des Tumors I
Der Tod des Tumors II

BudwigDVDs.com Recommended Reading

Note: We agree with many but not all aspects of this book.

Complete list of works by Dr. Budwig

Papers by Budwig

  • Prof. Dr. H. P. Kaufmann, Dr. J. Budwig: Zur Biologie der Fette V: Die Papier-Chromatographie der Blutlipoide, Geschwulstproblem und Fettforschung Chemischen Landes-Untersuchungsamt Nordrhein-Westfalen und dem Deutschen Institut für Fettforschung. Münster i. W., Artikel erschienen in Fette und Seifen Nr. 54, S. 156-165, 1952.
  • Budwig J (October 1953). "[Remarks on Homann and Otto's, Treatment of cancer patients with positive-pressure ether.]" (in German). Hippokrates 24 (19): 600-1. PMID 13128655.
  • Budwig J (October 1956). "[Cytostatic or cytodynamic control of cancer?]" (in German). Hippokrates 27 (19): 605-12. PMID 13376028.
  • Budwig J (February 1971). "Photo-elements of life as an anti-carcinoma factor, successful as a preventive and in the progressive state of the illness". Minerva Ginecologica 23 (3): 115-7. PMID 5579726.
  • Cousin M, Budwig J (1972). "[Air pollution by smoking or the smoke of the others]" (in French). Rehabilitation 25 (1): 34-6. PMID 5084629.

Works by Budwig

  • Die elementare Funktion der Atmung in ihrer Beziehung zu autoxydablen Nahrungsstoffen 1956
  • Krebs, ein Fettproblem (Cancer - A Fat Problem), 1956
  • Öl-Eiweiß-Kost 1956, 1965, 2000 Sensei Verlag (2000) ISBN 3932576640 ISBN 978-3932576645
  • Kosmische Kräfte gegen Krebs: Elektronen-Biologie 1966 Hyperion-Verlag (1966) ASIN B001OS4H4W
  • Laserstrahlen gegen Krebs 1968
  • Fette als wahre Hilfe gegen Arteriosklerose, Herzinfarkt, Krebs u. a. 1972
  • Das Fettsyndrom (The Fat Syndrome), 1972
  • Der Tod des Tumors (The Death of the Tumor) 2 vols. 1977
  • Fotoelemente des Lebens, auch zur Überwindung der Erkrankung an Krebs 1979
  • Krebs. Das Problem und die Lösung Sensei Verlag (1999) ISBN 3932576632 ISBN 978-3932576638
  • Kochen, braten und backen mit Kartoffeln Nebel Verlag Gmbh ISBN 3895553174 ISBN 978-3895553172

Translated into English

Translated into French

  • Les maladies attribuables aux graisses alimentaires , (translation of Das Fettsyndrom , 1959)

Translated into Croatian

  • Rak - problem i rjesenje [Cancer - the Problem and the Solution], Omega lan d.o.o., Zagreb; (2007) ISBN 978-9539573605
  • Uljno-proteinska kuharica [The Oil-Protein Diet Cookbook], Omega lan d.o.o., Zagreb; (2009) ISBN 978-9539573674 (together with Laneno ulje kao istinska pomoc kod arterioskleroze, srcanih udara, raka i drugih bolesti [Flax Oil As A True Aid Against Arteriosclerosis, Heart Infarction, Cancer And Other Diseases])
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