A 2005 study concluded that a push in Denmark
to screen large numbers of women
for breast cancer with mammography had reduced
breast cancer deaths in Copenhagen by a
whopping 25 percent. Sounds like
proof that regular mammograms are truly
life-savers, right? Wrong. Scientists from
the Nordic Cochrane Center in Copenhagen
and the Folkehelseinstituttet in Oslo have
re-examined this pro-mammogram study along
with additional data and come up with an
entirely different conclusion.
First, they
found that the scientific validity of the
2005 study doesn't hold up because the research
was deeply flawed. Even more important:
the new report shows there's no evidence
mammography itself was the reason behind
any reduction in breast cancer deaths. In
fact, deaths from breast cancer were lower
in areas where women didn't undergo those
screening tests. (...)
The results
showed that breast cancer deaths declined
by 1% in women between the ages of 55 and
74 in the areas where regular mammography
was frequently used. However, breast cancer
rates went down more -- 2% per year -- in
women of the same age living in non-screened
areas. And this trend was the same in younger
women, too. For those between the ages of
35 and 54, breast cancer mortality went
down by 5% per year in the screened areas
but it went down more, 6% per year, in the
non-screened areas during the same time
article at: http://www.naturalnews.com